Montreal Medical Aesthetics
Laser Genesis

Magnificent Natural-Looking Results
Make your skin amazing
Laser Genesis
Sun, smoking, gravity, time, dehydration, pollution and genetics: the seven deadly sins for your skin.
Medical Aesthetics
About Laser Genesis Treatment

Diffuse flushing and redness from rosacea, scarring and fine lines; Laser Genesis treatments help correct the conditions typically associated with early skin damage and aging, stimulating the body to generate new collagen, which strengthens the skin and reduces unwanted redness and wrinkles. Celebrated for its clinically proven results without downtime, Laser Genesis is your secret to a vibrant, even complexion in just a few short treatments.

How it works

Laser Genesis treatments utilizes safe, non-invasive laser technology to clear fine lines and diffuse flushing, redness and scarring. A short series of treatments may be recommended for optimal results, and patients will notice an instant improvement following each treatment – without irritation or downtime. By gently and comfortably heating the skin, Laser Genesis stimulates collagen to reduce fine lines and scarring; additional heat helps clear dilated capillaries that cause redness. Patients may be advised to avoid assertive exercise immediately following treatment. Most regular activities can be resumed immediately.

What to Expect with Laser Genesis

Length of treatment: 30-45 min

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