Montreal Medical Aesthetics

Magnificent Natural-Looking Results
Make your skin amazing
Rejuvenate & Restore Skin with a Versatile Fractional Skin Treatment
Medical Aesthetics
About Fractora Treatment

Fractora is the most advanced fractional radio-frequency treatment providing anti-aging improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through skin resurfacing.

Fractora promotes collagen restructuring for skin rejuvenation and an improved appearance in the skin.

Fractora can be used in areas that demonstrate fine or deep wrinkles, scars or discolored red and brown skin tone. The most common areas of treatment are the lower eyelid, upper eyelid, smile lines, cheeks, mouth and neck.

Benefits of Fractora:
  • Fractora provides improvements in a broad range of symptoms of aging skin, including fine lines, deep lines, texture, pigment irregularities, blood vessels and redness.
  • Fractora offers improvements for aging skin that would normally require two, three or even four different technologies.
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