Montreal Medical Aesthetics

Magnificent Natural-Looking Results
Make your skin amazing
Acne is very common among teenagers in North America, where 75% of boys and 50% of girls are affected. But it often occurs in adults as well.

Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne and mainly affects adolescents, especially boys. This skin disease is caused by an abnormally high activity of sebaceous glands, and is characterized by the appearance of unsightly blackheads, whiteheads and reddish lesions. The sebaceous glands of people with acne produce excess sebum (oil). In excess amounts, the sebum blocks the pores of the skin, causing a proliferation of bacteria and inflammation of the follicles. Dr. Linda Ptito specializes in acne treatment in Montreal, using advanced skin care and medical solutions.

Medical Aesthetics
About Acne

Acne is very common among teenagers in North America, where 75% of boys and 50% of girls are affected. But it often occurs in adults as well. The main causes are high levels of hormones at puberty, genetic predisposition, unbalanced diet and hormonal fluctuations. Skin irritants (friction of clothes, sports equipment, some cosmetics, etc.) and stress can cause or aggravate acne.

All treatments, medical or otherwise, require several weeks (4 to 8 ) if not several months (3 to 6) to yield results. And as the causes of acne vary, treatments also vary.

Dr. Ptito understands that acne can be frustrating and embarrassing. She will work with you to develop a treatment protocol that brings out your beautiful, healthy skin.

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